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Saturday, January 12, 2013


I recently completed a new pointillist painting. Every so often, I get inspired to paint in this style. It started after a trip to the Musee d’Orsay in Paris years ago – home of the impressionist masters. I was inspired by a piece by George Seurat – an actual small woman’s fan that had been painted on the front side, that looked so real I thought it was a photograph. After closer examination and realizing it was a painting, I was not only inspired but completely intrigued. His painting technique is called pointillism - in which small, distinct dots of pure color are applied in patterns to form an image (similar to what we call pixels today). To paint in this style takes time, patience, a lot of color mixing, and a challenge to create a finished product that matches what you originally envision. I enjoy stepping out of my normal style of intuitive painting, and working in a style that instead requires much more thought process, requiring that I use the other side of my brain and challenge myself. In my career, I’ve created about a dozen pointillist paintings, and each time I finish with more respect and appreciation for the masters. Perhaps it’s the labor of love, but they always seem into fall in my “favorites” category.

"Fall Splendors"

This piece “Fall Splendors” is currently on display at Gallery 903 in Portland, Oregon for a short time. As with all my pointillist pieces, it’s a large oil – 72 X 48

I hope you can get down there to enjoy it before it’s gone!

Other pointillist pieces I’ve created that are available as Limited Edition Prints are:

"Afternoon Reflections"
"Dusk Approaches"

"Shimmering Light"
"The Pool"

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