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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dancing with the Moon: Back by Popular Demand

"Dancing with the Moon"
Original Oil: 72" X 68", $10,500
Limited Edition Print: 36" X 36", $700
One of my favorites, "Dancing with the Moon", is now back at Gallery 903 in Portland, Oregon. I've had it at my studio for the last 18 months or so, keeping me inspired. It is one of my creations that just seems to resonate with a lot of folks. I often have people call me from all over the country who have seen it on display at various galleries to say "they just can't seem to get it out of their mind".

I was inspired to paint it on my way home from a summer vacation in Montana. It was late at night and we were driving home through the Columbia Gorge, which separates the states of Washington and Oregon. If you've ever driven through the gorge, you know how hypnotically beautiful and captivating it is (which is why I am always using it as my subject matter in so many paintings). On this particular night however, there was a full moon and light cloud cover. As we traveled through various bends, the moon was shining brightly, illuminating the river with brilliant reflections, only to quickly disappear behind the clouds and then make herself known again just moments later. This continued for miles, leaving me feeling like we were dancing together. As is often the case after my time in gorge, I arrived home anxious to start painting - this one just flowed out of me.

Since it seems to leave so many with an impression, I've made limited edition prints on canvas available for purchase. If you are interested, contact me.